Saturday, January 29, 2011

Appreciate the Beauty and Love of God's Work

We cannot truly understand the Magnificence of the Wonders of the World unless we see it with our own eyes and feel the beauty of what's before us to truly appreciate it. Chris Walker of Australia writes about the laws of creation and one of the most important Healing princples to Love of Self is the act of Appreciation. Appreciation of the Magificence that we all are. We are created from Love to Love, but dealing with our everyday mundane lives we tend to forget to Appreciate the Beauty of Who and What we really are.

Chris writes: There are five unique but interconnected laws that describe and define the creation, maintenance and transformation of all of life. To know, really know, these laws requires that you step beyond the conventions of your culture and reach out to a bigger perspective. There is no chaos, there is only a circumstance we cannot understand. These universal laws take you a long way to the understanding you may be looking for.

The forth law. The Law of Appreciation.

What you appreciate gets bigger, what you don't appreciate gets smaller. Appreciation builds, evolves and creates harmony. Lack of appreciation motivates self consciousness, self depreciation and self destruction. There is nothing to change, only something to appreciate. You cannot change, you can only appreciate yourself as you are. Appreciation is an attractive force, depreciation is a repulsive force.
From the vantage of the one, we see ourselves as many parts. Pain and self consciousness causes us to lose the perspective of the one, and fall into the many parts. Then, we cannot appreciate who we are, we try to change it. Anything we try to change has power over us, anything we appreciate we have power over. If you appreciate your lovers faults, they are not faults but beautiful assets. If you criticize and try to change someone, you are below them, they have power over you.
You have no fault. You are not broken. Neither is the world or your lover. There are something's you might not appreciate. The problem is not with the thing, the problem is with your inability to appreciate that thing. Once you appreciate things, then they have no power over you. You are free. This is talent of a great lover. And the talent of the greatest Gods. They appreciate you.

If we could just begin to shift our focus from the outer circumstances (bills, jobs, status)and turn it to the inner(Love,Truth,Forgiveness), we would begin to realize that we really are One of God's greatest pieces of Work. Appreciate your body for sustaining you through out your travels despite the way you've beat it up. Appreciate your past for teaching you what you do or do not want to experience. Appreciate your Loved ones for Loving you regardles of your so-called flaws, and Appreciate the Beauty in everything you see. I Appreciate all who read my blogs and pray much Success in all you Do. Love & Blessings to All

Walk of Love

Love is in the Air and it is yours for the taking. There's a group of people who will travel from Toronto to Miami and Spread Love by handing out Love notes, hugs, and the vibration of Love throught out the community. I think this is an awesome idea and can't wait to be a part of it when it arives in my city. Every generation has a responsibility to take action when called upon by our past, present, and future generations. The call to Wake up and begin to LOVE again. We've seen in the past how much Love can make a difference. Teachers of Love have always come forward and reminded us to be more loving if we want to live in a different world-Jesus, Martin Luther King, WoodStock, Gandhi, Mother Teresa and countless other times when Love was the Answer to the World's Troubles. Here's an awesome opportunity to be a part of something so needed in this current moment of time. Love & Blessings to All

March 1 2011 – July 1 2011
Myself and a couple other warm souls will set out from Toronto Ontario on a 4 month love walk to Miami Florida with the intention of touching the lives of at least 100,000 people in a positive way. We will do this by handing out ‘Love Notes’ to everyone we encounter, sharing kind words, giving free hugs, and just simply spreading good vibes all along our path.

We are entering a new world right now as we speak. The primary purpose and intention of The Love Crew is to help usher in a new era of peace, love & harmony on earth by expressing as much love energy into the world as we can through a variety of community level projects.

Energy is contagious and Love is energy, so it all seems pretty simple… let’s just shine more Love into this world! Release our fears and focus on Love… and our world will shift into something even more beautiful. I believe it already is changing actually… but only if our hearts are open enough to see & experience it ;) Hence, our mission with The Love Crew.

Check it out here:

Why do I do this to Myself, Everytime????

Mom says"I keep getting him out of trouble and 5 seconds later...he's back stuck in the same position" Loving, guiding parent tries to keep the baby from hurting himself while the baby has to fulfill his desire to have fun and climb under the chair. Neither pain or frustration keeps the baby from going back. His determination is so strong that he cries and throws a fit if he can't get to his "Thrill". Only until the baby is satisfied with something even more thrilling does the baby stop harming himself again, and again until he finally forgets about the chair. Babies natural state is always to seek pleasure and their reactions(emotions) are based on whether they feel the feelings they seek. It's not until they become toddlers do they add avoidance of pain to their memory as a motivation to their actions.
As adults, our brains use the programming of our childhood memories and survival instincts(coping skills), and use that as a guide of what we want or don't want. These beliefs are buried deep, locked behind closed doors, and they subconsciously determine what we experience daily until you no longer need that belief to survive. This programming is our Belief systems. Beliefs can hold you back or they can help you learn and grow. Beliefs' chief purpose is to ignite an emotion.
Beliefs are essential in our survival. They help us determine what's valuable, what's real, and who's worthy of our time, energy, and love.When a belief is held deeply within you it creates a path to understanding of why others share the same beliefs you do. Beliefs Create Connections.
Trying to change a habit about yourself or even trying to always seems to lead to frustration and more pain a retreat back to the old thrill begins until you reach a point of the final "No More", the point where you have had your share of suffering and you want to Surrender. This choice to Surrender, leads you to a doorway. Faith got you Here while Insight is behind the door waiting for you. With insight comes solutions. You find the place in your Mind, Body, and Soul where All is Well, the place where you become all right with yourself and you have the strength to deal with this issue at hand. All self improvement is about feeling differently about who you are, what your experiencing, and releasing the negative feelings you feel about the situation. No one can come in and do this for you, so Stop wasting time and energy on believing that "only if's" happen,(only if my mom, or only if he would just) I would be happy. Other people are too busy trying to figure out how to make themselves happy and probably have no idea how to help you. Everything we do is to learn about ourselves and others, what causes pain-avoid it, what causes pleasure-seek it. The good thing is we have a choice of what program we want to use in order to satisfy that need. You can run off the "Cave Man" programming where its all about Surviving or you can access the "Christ" programming where it's all about Thriving. You must make the choice by how you react to your everyday interactions with yourself and others. How are you treating your body? How are you treating your loved ones? How are you treating others?
Beliefs catch on and become a manifestation of information into our reality. This info can Bring us together or if can Tear us apart. it can make you feel good about yourself or it can make you look at where you need to make some adjusts in your Character. Information that makes you feel better about who you are is like a message sent directly from the Source of Love reaching deep through darkness of time and space to get to us to let us know that we are Ok and that we are Loved. This feeling is so powerful and feels so good that the person who hears it has to tell anyone they know who is suffering from the same thing, to heal them too. That's the Power of Love.

He answered: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind';and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Luke 10:27

If you want to take another step in overcoming an unhealthy habit, Decide to develop your Character. Set your intention to improve something you can control. Build up your character strengths and figure out what beliefs are keeping you stuck. One of the core beliefs Humanity is suffering from is Seeing and Believing that we are a Manifestion of Love and Light PERIOD. Not because what have or have done, but because we are Alive and LOVE wants it that way. Appreciate Love Today!!!!

The mark of real character is the person who finds the strength NOT to FALL in the moment of weakness unknown

Love,Peace&Blessings to All

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Get Off Your 'But'

Self Love, Self Acceptance and the Awareness that you have been and will always be taken care of, is the only way to Transform from Unhealthy Living into Healthy Living. Right now as you allow unhealthy behavior to continue whether self inflicted or by others, you are aligning with the enemy (In A Me) the voice in your head that's say "Your Unworthy, Your UnLoveable, You are a Loser, Stupid- whatever". You are actually siding with and fighting to prove the voice is right. Your experiences will continue to reflect that belief. So if you want to stop experiencing Lack and Limitation or any other unpleasant experience-- You Must Get Off you 'Buts'. Your probably saying-Yeah But and have a whole list of reasons why you can't and believe me I know all about excuses. It took me about 2 years to run out excuses before I Posted and Published this Blog. I have actually had to live every one of my excuses until I finally realized that 'Buts' are only in our Heads, as soon as I came to that realization this Challenge presented itself. Challenges are the best. They let you put your skills in action as a competition with not only others but with yourself as well. You are held accountable, you are stretched, and you are given a group of like-minded individuals who are going thru the same process. You  learn exactly where you need to make adjustments, but best of all you are given a goal with instructions to follow.  I recently signed up for a 10 Day Blog Challenge to help spread the Awareness of Congenital Heart Defects and this a perfect fit to the type of Blogs I wanted to create. So with my focus on gaining awareness for others way across the world I ended up creating Love Mastery. My first assignment  is to comment on an article. All that above is my comment and Here's the article...

Argue for possibilities, not limitations
By Alan Cohen
In one of my recent seminars, a woman named Jan recounted a long woeful tale about how her 21-year-old daughter, still living at home, was highly irresponsible and abusing her household. Yet Jan felt too guilty about setting even a few reasonable boundaries that would make her home life easier. Finally I told her, "I can help you, but if you are not open to help, I cannot. Are you willing to work with me? "When she became willing, she shifted. She had tapped into her power to lovingly yet firmly say "no" to abusive behavior. When you are open to receive a better situation than you have experienced, the universe will deliver it. Like Jan, you will have to get off your "But . . ." The more you focus on why things are not working, the more things don’t work. The more you focus on what is working, or how things could work, the more things work. Your mind is extremely powerful. It is literally generating your world. Take care that you argue for your possibilities rather than your limits. You will get whatever you make a stand for, so make a stand for what you want.
I assume ownership of my world. I am open to receive my good . . . no buts about it!

Alan Cohen is the author of 17 popular inspirational books and is also a contributing writer for the New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul. Visit:

Monday, January 24, 2011

We are Living One Vibrational Energy

As you travel this journey we call Life, I offer you a quick detour. On this path, you will discover that you possess within your body a Power that Dissolves Resentment and Rejection, Shame and Blame, Grief and Guilt. A Power that can HEAL all of Humanities Core Wounds. Humans have a Fundamental Belief that they Don't Deserve to be Loved. Love connects all things back to where it all began. Love brings with it Joy for your Heart and Peace for your Mind. This Power creates within each of us a Sense of Meaning and Purpose, it fills the Void of Darkness by Creating a feeling of Belonging to Something Bigger. Connection to this Power will not only Change your World but The World as we know it.
Love-Mastery unfolds as a Journey, not a Destination. It takes Time and Diligence. As you develop your Love Skills, you'll begin to live the Life you've been Searching for. The Essence of your Living Heart will be your Guiding Light along the Way. It will lead you to Experiences that will Test your Faith, Build your Character, and Transform the World. But you must first introduce your Mind to your Emotions, and your Body to your Spirit. Did you know that they don't know each other yet? They don't and this is the reason for all the Resistance to Releasing Unhealthy Habits.
To Attain Love-Mastery, it is essential to Invest your Time, Energy and Resources on the Things you can Control like Improving your Health, Developing your Divine Talents, and Acting from a Place of LOVE instead of reacting from a Place of Fear. Applying Love's Principles will Switch your Attention and Awareness to Appreciation and away from Lack, Pain, and Suffering. Thereby Creating More of What's Your's and Less of What's Not. The process of Lifting Up and Out of the Currents of Fear, Anger, Lust, Lies Requires Choice and Commitment, Trust and Strength, and a Deeper Spiritual Connection.
Understand how your Body has the intelligence to Heal itself and how every Cell is connected to your thoughts and those thoughts determine what you will experience each day.  Change your Motives and Become the Master of your Mind. Empower yourself by increasing your Awareness of Inner Guidance by Managing your Emotions. Restore your Divine Connection by Remembering you are Spirit living a Human Experience. Love-Mastery Require that we also Extend our Love to All other Living Beings including the Earth if we are to see Positive Changes in our Lives.
You've Mastered Pain, Suffering, and Lack now it's Time to Master your Original State of Vibration. Love