Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Get Off Your 'But'

Self Love, Self Acceptance and the Awareness that you have been and will always be taken care of, is the only way to Transform from Unhealthy Living into Healthy Living. Right now as you allow unhealthy behavior to continue whether self inflicted or by others, you are aligning with the enemy (In A Me) the voice in your head that's say "Your Unworthy, Your UnLoveable, You are a Loser, Stupid- whatever". You are actually siding with and fighting to prove the voice is right. Your experiences will continue to reflect that belief. So if you want to stop experiencing Lack and Limitation or any other unpleasant experience-- You Must Get Off you 'Buts'. Your probably saying-Yeah But and have a whole list of reasons why you can't and believe me I know all about excuses. It took me about 2 years to run out excuses before I Posted and Published this Blog. I have actually had to live every one of my excuses until I finally realized that 'Buts' are only in our Heads, as soon as I came to that realization this Challenge presented itself. Challenges are the best. They let you put your skills in action as a competition with not only others but with yourself as well. You are held accountable, you are stretched, and you are given a group of like-minded individuals who are going thru the same process. You  learn exactly where you need to make adjustments, but best of all you are given a goal with instructions to follow.  I recently signed up for a 10 Day Blog Challenge to help spread the Awareness of Congenital Heart Defects and this a perfect fit to the type of Blogs I wanted to create. So with my focus on gaining awareness for others way across the world I ended up creating Love Mastery. My first assignment  is to comment on an article. All that above is my comment and Here's the article...

Argue for possibilities, not limitations
By Alan Cohen
In one of my recent seminars, a woman named Jan recounted a long woeful tale about how her 21-year-old daughter, still living at home, was highly irresponsible and abusing her household. Yet Jan felt too guilty about setting even a few reasonable boundaries that would make her home life easier. Finally I told her, "I can help you, but if you are not open to help, I cannot. Are you willing to work with me? "When she became willing, she shifted. She had tapped into her power to lovingly yet firmly say "no" to abusive behavior. When you are open to receive a better situation than you have experienced, the universe will deliver it. Like Jan, you will have to get off your "But . . ." The more you focus on why things are not working, the more things don’t work. The more you focus on what is working, or how things could work, the more things work. Your mind is extremely powerful. It is literally generating your world. Take care that you argue for your possibilities rather than your limits. You will get whatever you make a stand for, so make a stand for what you want.
I assume ownership of my world. I am open to receive my good . . . no buts about it!

Alan Cohen is the author of 17 popular inspirational books and is also a contributing writer for the New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul. Visit: www.AlanCohen.com..

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